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Come on! Take part in the Third edition of the ‘Animation for Peace’ Award

21st September 2009. Today we celebrate the International Day of Peace, established by the United Nations to work for the end of violence. To join this celebration, today Fundació per la Pau launches its new edition of the Animations for Peace Award. In this third call, participants must elaborate their animations about the subject: “Paths of Peace: Nonviolence and Dialogue”.

The award’s goal is to encourage the creation of digital animations to promote peace culture and to strengthen the relationship of the artistic community with this goal. The award also wants to create a permanent fund of animated films, conducted by Fundació per la Pau and available to all the people and organizations that need it to promote the culture of peace.

Participants can take part in two modalities: spot –films less than a minute long–, and  short –films of more than a minute long–;  and in two categories: junior –until 18 years old– and senior –more than 18 years old–. Animations can be done in any technique (draw, plasticine, flash, etc.) and must be in the formats that the basis establish in:



The winners will be awarded with 300 € in the two categories of the spot modality, and with 600 € in both categories of the short modality. There will be also an Audience Prize that will be decided the prize-giving day and will be awarded with 200 €.
All the awarded works and those considered suitable by the jury will be included in a DVD and will be exhibited in festivals and events, in cinemas, in TV, and they will be permanently displayed in the website of the award.

To take part you must register through the application form you’ll find in the award website. The deadline to present the animations is the 30 April 2010. Beyond that day, no film will be accepted.

Animations for Peace Award counts on the support of the Promotion of Peace and Human Rights Office of the Catalan government, and the collaboration of the Educations Department of the Catalan government, Pangea; Animac, of Lleida; Animadrid; Cine Truffaut; ASIFA Catalonia and ASIFA France; Museum of the cinema, of Girona; Audiovisual Media Scholl (EMAV); AFCA, and the Local Televisions Network.