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Costa Rica and Mexico win the World Cup 2018 on Disarmament

For the second time the two countries lead the classification made by FundiPau of the participant state teams in the World Cup 2018 on disarmament and arms control

Comunicado de prensa en castellano / Nota de premsa en català

9th July 2018. The football teams, which are ubiquitous in the media and social networks these days, demonstrate the commitment and investments that the countries make in a sport that involves massive amounts of people and money. Next Sunday, 15th July, we are going to find out which team will be considered as the best team in the world, in football terms, for the next four years.

But which is the investment of these same governments to guarantee the security of citizens all over the planet? Thus, the countries that have participated in this World Cup can also be classified depending on their political decisions regarding matters of disarmament and arms control.

In FundiPau we have made a classification of the participant states in Russia 2018 regarding their position in the most relevant disarmament and arms control treaties. The winners, for the second time —they already won in 2014—, are Costa Rica and Mexico, which have signed and ratified all the treaties, even the most recent one, approved just a year ago, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

This victory goes much further than the ephemeral recognition of good sportive results. This shows a commitment with global security that, in the end, enables the population of all countries to gain something from it.

The seconds on the classification list are Panama, Peru, and Uruguay that have signed and ratified all of the treaties except for the nuclear weapons one, which they have signed but not ratified. The thirds, most of them European countries and NATO members, only lack to give support to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It’s difficult to understand how they support the other treaties that ban the other two weapons of mass destruction —the chemical and the biological ones— and don’t do the same with nuclear weapons.

At the bottom of the classification, going solo, there is Egypt that has only signed, not even ratified, the Treaty on Biologic Weapons of 1972. It is followed, as the worst classified, by Saudi Arabia, Iran, Morocco and Russia, the World Cup host.

In FundiPau we are convinced that there is a need to advance in order to make that all of the countries in the world, whether they play in the next World Cup or not, get to be champions in the World Cup of Disarmament. This is one of the main goals of our task.

World Cup 2018 on Disarmament_eng

Information about the leader board:

To make this classification we have taken into account if the countries participants in the World Cup 2018 have signed or not, and ratified or not, the following treaties on disarmament and arms control: Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention (1972), Chemical Weapons Convention (1993), Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines (1997), Convention on Cluster Munitions (2008), Arms Trade Treaty (2013) and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2017 – not yet entered into force)

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