An impressive portrait about the internals of Eurosatory 2012 arms fair
FundiPau collaborates in the dissemination of this report, directed and produced by Lalo García and Txell Sabartés
It’s not a secret that arms trade is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world. Arms sales are completely widespread and normalized around the planet and, until recently, it was immune to control and regulation. From now on, with the Arms Trade Treaty approved and in the process of ratification, we can expect that arms transactions become contingent to the respect of Human Rights. But there is still a long way ahead.
The report Welcome to the real World by Lalo García and Txell Sabartés approaches the viewer to the crudeness of the arms trade from the cold, calculator and sometimes frivolous point of view of those who do businesses with it and of those that use the arms.
The film is a portrait of the 2012 edition of Eurosatory, one of the major arms fair in the world, held in Paris every two years. Like any other commercial fair, Eurosatory showcases the new trends and the innovations of the industry. An industry that moves billions of dollars around the world.
As the authors say:
“Portraits show the outside of what is portrayed, but they also reflect an inner reality. Scars of past sufferings, fear and pride in a gaze, spoken and silenced words in a mouth, the lines of life experiences.
The film’s vision – sometimes ironic, sometimes pure poetry – shows the reality of one of the public arenas of the international arms trade.
The governments, the armies and other groups who attend Eurosatory go there to obtain information, to be surprised, to be impressed, to buy and sell…weapons.
This is their portrait.”